Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Typed | The Anticipation

“Why did you leave when you knew you were wanted?
Always gone & your coming home isn’t happening quick enough.
This want of you. This need of you. This ache for you consumes me.
The passion like fire running through my veins. My body throbs at the mere thought of your touch. Your breath against my neck as your fingers trail down my spine.
All I can think about is that moment when you consume me, throbbing against my ache.
The build up. The anticipation. That first puddle forms.”
~ Erin Rose… WIP..  potential excerpt from The Traitors Tartan Part 2

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

And yet, here I am.

 “Just let me be sad,” she told him. “Just let me process and then I’ll be okay.
Can’t you just let me do that?” She crossed the room and stared blankly out the window as
the raindrops pelted against the pane. She reached out and placed her hand against the cool glass.
“It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. You weren’t supposed to come back.” 

She heard the ice clank against his glass. “And yet, here I am.”

~ Erin Rose


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About Me

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Detroit based writer of poetic prose, quotes, thoughts, and sometimes, dirty things.